Praxis Of Confusion- Blue Original Painting Acrylic & Cut Wood Assemblage by Kwest Graffiti Street Artist Modern Pop Art.
Kwest was born and raised in Toronto, Canada starting his art career as a graffiti artist in the early 1990s. For over twenty years he has been active in developing a unique and complex style of lettering that he can call his own, a fluid and tight mechanical typography that appears to be born of the very structures he chose to paint them on. His primary canvas has been freight trains and he has painted well over 5000 individual works of art, relinquishing any hold on them as soon as they are completed, destined to travel the vast web of rails that crisscross North America. It is thru his solitary practice of working rapidly in an outdoor environment that Kwest has fine-tuned his visual language and similarly gained recognition and respect from his peers.